Let’s Get Social: Auto Detailing

Auto Detailing

1721 Anka Street
Juneau, AK 99801

Auto Detailing

(Weekends by Appointment)

About Us

About Sacred Shine
A Tlingit & Haida Company

Sacred Shine Auto Detailing is owned and operated by Tlingit & Haida as part of its tribal business enterprise group. Tlingit & Haida is a sovereign tribal government representing over 30,000 Tlingit and Haida Indians worldwide and provides a variety of programs and services to its tribal members.

Other businesses operated by Tlingit & Haida include:



Tlingit & Haida is committed to providing employment training and opportunities to tribal citizens. Through Tlingit & Haida’s work experience program, Sacred Shine has helped tribal citizens gain skills that allowed them to secure gainful employment, transition off of social service program, and maintain a healthy and independent lifestyle. 

Calvin Olsen who works on the Sacred Shine team as an Auto Detailer, transitioned to full time employment with Sacred Shine after gaining experience and training through Tlingit & Haida’s Employment & Training Program. “My experience with them has been amazing,” said Calvin. “They have helped me gain experience and tools for employment and have opened up the doors to a great career! Tlingit & Haida has been a blessing.”

Meet Our Shiners

Dedicated to Keeping Your Vehicle Fresh & Clean!


Lead Shine master

Has been with Sacred Shine since its grand opening in 2018 after successfully completing the Tlingit & Haida’s Employment & Training program. “Cal” as his friends and colleagues call him, currently leads the team as the head Shine Master! With more than ten years’ experience in auto detailing, Cal enjoys training and mentoring others who also have a desire to learn the trade. “I’m so glad to be a part of Sacred Shine,” shared Calvin. “I am looking forward to seeing the business continue to grow and add more services.” Calvin was born in Ketchikan, Alaska and is the son of Jack Olsen and Anita Nathan of Hydaburg. He is a Tribal citizen of the Eagle moiety and the Double Headed Eagle Brown Bear clan.


SHine Expert

Recently joined the Sacred Shine team as it’s newest Shine Expert! A self-proclaimed car enthusiast, Glenn has always wanted to learn professional auto detailing. Born and raised in Juneau, prior to joining Sacred Shine, Glenn worked in a variety of positions in customer service, transportation, and in the fishing industry. As a jack-of-all trades, he is happy to be a part of the Sacred Shine team. “I love making cars look great,” said Glenn. “It’s an awesome feeling to be able to transform a car so that they look and feel new!” Glenn is a member of the Sarabia family and is a Tribal citizen from the Raven-Woodworm clan.